November 28, 2024

#1948 Sneaky F**kers
Adam and Dr. Drew wrap up the week discussing overnight political conversions, Adam shares the latest confusion with the Stoned Pelican, and they examine the asylum to homelessness pipeline Plus, they’re introduced to the ‘Sneaky F*ckers Theory’, and Dr. Drew takes a voicemail with a 25 year old apology!
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The ‘Sneaky Fucker Strategy’ is the best possible explanation for male feminists @GadSaad
— Jake Rattlesnake (@jakerattlesnk) June 15, 2023
The homelessness crisis has outgrown any one agency — we need to fix the structural problems that are holding us back.
Join us tomorrow.
— Lindsey P. Horvath (@LindseyPHorvath) November 26, 2024