Tag Archives: birthday

BEST OF #50: Essence

December 25, 2024

Adam opens the show recounting a recent conversation he had with Matt ‘The Porcelain Punisher’ Fondiler about birthdays. Later they discuss commencement ceremonies and take listener calls on epilepsy, hyper vigilance and how vitamin D can improve testosterone levels.

Originally Aired: 6/8/2013

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#1585 We Need To Monitor This Stuff

June 14, 2022

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing the new ‘misinformation czar’ and the necessity of such a position. They also explore the ways in which such an office can be used as a weapon to control a citizenry. Drew also discusses Adam’s recent birthday party where the topic of Covid came up and Drew found himself in some uncomfortable conversations on the topic. They also turn to the phones and speak with a caller who is experiencing apathy and is in need of a little guidance. Adam also explains his comedic talent and how it was a burden that was driving him slowly insane before he finally went all in and made comedy his career.

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#1318 You Owe Me an Acollegey

September 3, 2020

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show by going straight to the phones and speaking with a caller looking to educate them about KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov and his warnings to the west from the 1980s. This leads to a larger conversation about our educational system and how the social progress that we’ve been experiencing has influenced the system at large and specifically the educators themselves. They also speak to a caller who is participating in a covid clinical trial and has questions about what he should do if a legitimate vaccine comes to market.

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