Tag Archives: california

Jeffrey Malinovitz

#1508 I’m A Talker, Stop Talker, Listener

December 9, 2021

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show by going straight to the phones and speaking with a caller from the Pacific Northwest who attempts to defend his region from some of Adam’s ‘Seattle Based Flight Crew’ comments. They also speak to a caller who has thoughts about Anthony Fauci today as viewed through the lens of his past work on the AIDS epidemic. They also discuss the current situation in California and express some hope that the tide is possibly turning despite wide swaths of the population still being happily crate trained

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Jeffrey Malinovitz

#1484 I Simultaneously Have Character

October 14, 2021

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing a topic Drew recently covered with Ryan Holiday, character. Adam quickly brings in some stories from his family members whom he argues would tell you they have high character despite Adam having witnessed behavior that is at odds with that stance. The guys then turn to Love Boat talk as they discuss the very strange themes from the era and the bizarre way women were treated. They then turn to the phones and speak with callers about covid, ivermectin & how long the insanity may last.

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Jeffrey Malinovitz

#1273 We’re Both Right, I’m A Little Bit Righter

May 21, 2020

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing the mayoral history of Los Angeles with an eye towards the current situation and concern for the future. They then turn to a recent clip from The View who had salon owner Shelly Luther on as a guest to discuss her controversial decision to open her business in the face of orders to remain closed. As the show wraps up Adam harkens back to the tweet Adam recently saw from Susan Collins and how it reaffirmed his growing thoughts about reasonable thinking and which political party it tends to come from.

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#1235: Douse The Libido

February 26, 2020

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing the recent Democratic debates and their thoughts on the candidates including some of the disingenuous themes coming out of those candidates. They also speak with a caller who has thoughts on why some women today may be trying to make themselves unattractive and why that might be. They also talk to a caller who is a new step father and is having trouble connecting with his new step son and is looking for advice on how to better their relationship.

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