June 30, 2022

June 30, 2022
May 17, 2022
Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing the coffee mug that Adam chose to use today which features a quote from the great Jules Dash, they discuss the phenomenon that led to her inception, and finding an alternate way into film festivals. Plus, a deep dive into impact drivers, manual shift cars, and they take your calls.
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BlindsGalore.com – let them know we sent you
May 31, 2020
Adam and Dr. Drew open the show marveling at the fact that as we sit here in June we are still in lockdown despite the lack of science supporting the lockdown protocols. They go on to revisit their theory on the death of math and how poor humans are at assessing probabilities. The conversation then is derailed by Adam’s noticing that a coffee mug was left with coffee in the bottom before he recalls having beers recently with Representative Dan Crenshaw in Texas.
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LifeLock.com, promo code ADAM
MethodMen.com, code ADS