Tag Archives: homelessness

#1230: Don’t Put The F*cking Poster Up!

February 18, 2020

Adam opens the show telling Drew about some recent medical tests that he had done and some of the infuriating misinformation that he noticed while he was in the doctors offices for those tests. Adam then gives Drew some thoughts about the wide portions of this country that he and Mike August have seen as a byproduct of their live show travels and what he has learned from those experiences. The guys then turn to the phones and speak with a Chicago police officer who wants their thoughts on how perception molds belief especially when it comes to issues like race and another who wants to know if homelessness is a state or federal issue.

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#1229: Pow! Pow! Pow!

February 16, 2020

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show by going to the phones and speaking with a caller who is running against Nancy Pelosi and is looking for Adam & Drew’s advice on homelessness. The guys also speak to a caller who recently saw Adam on Tucker Carlson and has thoughts on the political system in California as well as a caller who is looking for a good Loveline alternative. As the show wraps up Adam recounts for Drew more of the details of his recent Tucker Carlson segment on the state of California.

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#1221: My Great White Privilege

January 28, 2020

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing the prominent notion today that every single group of people need to be involved in every endeavor and why that thinking may be dangerous, with our country’s founders foreseeing that danger hundreds of years ago. They then turn to the phones and speak to a caller who is suspicious about potential misdiagnosis of fibromyalgia, another who wants advice on navigating ancestry DNA results when they oppose what the family originally thought. They also speak to a caller who is working with a lot of at risk populations who has questions about updating his vaccinations.

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#1211: Is Phil Good or Is Phil Bad?

January 5, 2020

Adam and Dr. Drew start off New Year discussing Drew’s recent trip to the White House to address the White House Mental Health Summit and Drew’s abject confusion with people’s apathy on the topic. They also discuss a recent tweet by comedian Ron Funches that Adam thought was spot on and they start a discussion about Adam’s recent cardiologist visit.

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