Tag Archives: loveline

Jeffrey Malinovitz

BEST OF: #1052 The Spectrum

August 10, 2023

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing the theme songs of some of the 1970s tv shows that they grew up on. The conversation then turns to the phones where they speak with a longtime Loveline fan who is struggling with addiction which spawns a conversation about spectrum diseases and Drew reveals to Adam an email he got from an autistic fan who had strong feelings about Adam’s recent reaction to ‘The Trolley Problem’ hypothetical.

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#1651 Complete Disregard For People’s Health

November 22, 2022

Dr. Drew and Mike are back at it today and they open the phones by going straight to the phones to speak to a caller looking to thank them for their work together in the Loveline days. They also speak about Mike’s podcast and how it morphed away from the Loveline style and more into topics of Mike’s personal interest. They also discuss the motivation behind Mike’s move out of California and harken back to the time that Dr. Drew gave Mike a flu shot live on Loveline and what happened as a result. As the show wraps up, Drew questions Mike about his online obsessions with beautiful women and how it manifests today as opposed to their Loveline days.

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