Tag Archives: Psychology

#1753 Wrestling With Nature

August 1, 2023

Adam and Drew debate social norms and social psychology today, mentioning certain
evangelical methods of control we’re seeing in various circles of our society. Also, how
controlling and confusing language can be exerted for specific control with examples of
how they’ve changed over time, and what they may look like today. They also discuss
diet pills and surgeries, with Lisa Marie Presley as a confounding example of the
consequences that can occur when we “wrestle with nature”.

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#1635 We Must Act!

October 16, 2022

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing a recent conversation that Dr. Drew had with a psychologist who helped Drew to put a finer point on the fact that many of the lockdowns enacted during Covid were at the behest of major media institutions and Adam makes an insightful observation about the ‘need to act’. They also discuss a comment that the same psychologist made to Drew about how many women are coming to his practice and lamenting that they miss ‘men being men’. Adam also discusses ‘pattern breaks’ and how it helped Adam cut through the Covid hysteria much much faster than the general populace.

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