October 22, 2020

#1339 If I Knew Me
Adam and Dr. Drew open the show continuing their discussion surrounding ‘secret families’ as started by Drew earlier in the week as they expand and try to analyze the motivation behind choices that lead to those kinds of situations. They then turn to the phones and speak with a caller wondering about the collaborative future of Adam & Jimmy. They also speak with a caller who harkens back to a statement Adam made on Loveline and wants to know if it ever came to fruition. As the show winds down they look at some updated guidance from The World Health Organization regarding lockdowns where it relates to Covid.
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WATCH: Dr David Nabarro, the WHO's Special Envoy on Covid-19, tells Andrew Neil: 'We really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdown as your primary control method'. Watch the full interview here: https://t.co/XLdaedsKVS #SpectatorTV @afneil | @davidnabarro pic.twitter.com/1M4xf3VnXQ
— The Spectator (@spectator) October 9, 2020