Author Archives: Chris Laxamana

#749: I Never Lie

January 19, 2018


Adam and Drew open the show continuing a conversation they started on the last show about Adam’s employees and the general idea of how one should be viewed by their employer. They then turn to the phones and speak to a few different callers including one worried about the longterm effects of over the counter testosterone boosters.

#748: Fake Tears

January 16, 2018


Adam and Dr. Drew open the show by going straight to the phones and speaking to a caller who has an eyesight question for Dr. Drew which morphs into a larger conversation about health and wellness. They also speak to a repeat caller who wants to thank Adam & Drew for some past advice that they gave him as well as a caller who wants to ask the ‘hard hitting questions’.

#747: Losing Our Way

January 15, 2018


Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing a slightly different schedule this week due to Adam’s schedule for writing for the Oscars with his friend Jimmy Kimmel. They go on to discuss the recent statements made by Oprah and others at the Golden Globes. Adam then turns to the phones and the guys speak to a variety of people including one who is looking to use a stand up comedy class to enhance his public speaking chops which leads to a larger conversation about how a joke is built.

#746: Bohemian RAPsody

January 12, 2018


Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing a recent video that Adam was tweeted of Kanye West performing live that lead to a disagreement between Adam and his friend Daniel on their recent family vacation. They then turn to phones and speak to a variety of callers including one who is looking for help with a physically abusive wife and another who has two people close to him who are both suffering from mental illness and addiction looking for advice on how to handle them.

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