Tag Archives: gavin newsom

Jeffrey Malinovitz

BEST OF #25: Uncertain Paternity

December 26, 2024

Adam and Drew further discuss Adam’s recent interview with Gavin Newsom and the guys selling flowers on Forrest Lawn Drive. Later they take calls on meth addiction and an abortion due to uncertain paternity.

Originally Aired: 3/13/2013

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#1793 The Magical San Francisco Clean Up

November 19, 2023

Adam and Dr. Drew are reunited in studio as they’re mesmerized by the rushed cleanup of San Francisco, Adam dissects Gavin Newsom 2 modes, and Dr. Drew’s outraged! Plus, dignity vs caring.

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Jeffrey Malinovitz

#1783 Clean Up in Aisle 5

October 26, 2023

Adam introduces Dr. Drew to the latest offering from the Gavin Newsom regarding discipline in schools, they explore the demographic in prisons, and the Mehdi Hasan and MSNBC mess. Plus, the greatest scene in television history?

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