April 4, 2023

#1702 Archie Bunker vs Meathead
Adam and Drew take a deep dive into the life of Archie Bunker on ‘ All in the Family’. Next, Drew gives a caller his thoughts on the HPV vaccine.
April 4, 2023
Adam and Drew take a deep dive into the life of Archie Bunker on ‘ All in the Family’. Next, Drew gives a caller his thoughts on the HPV vaccine.
March 17, 2020
Drew opens the show with Adam harkening back to a call from last week where the caller told Drew that the HPV vaccine was not prominent in his childhood and Drew’s outrage at that fact. This leads to a conversation about the so-called ‘math’ that one must do in order to live in this world and how it is being radically ignored and dismissed in our society. They also discuss the news from last week where Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey’s husband confronted protestors at his home with a gun before turning to the phones and speaking to a caller with a question about marijuana detox.
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March 12, 2020
Drew and Mike open the show by going straight to the phones and speaking with a caller who wants the guys thoughts on what goes on with people who are incredibly successful and simultaneously overweight, they then turn to a caller whose wife is about to have a hysterectomy and is wondering what to expect. They also speak with a caller who is wondering if the experience of hosting Loveline had an impact on their parenting styles. The conversation then turns to the time that Mike Catherwood accidentally shit himself at work in front of two very famous and beautiful women at the Loveline studios and Drew shares a story about an airplane bathroom mishap that he had as a result of an ill timed vegan meal.
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