Tag Archives: joe biden

Jeffrey Malinovitz

#1231: Thanks Biotch!!

February 20, 2020

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show harkening back to a past show as Drew asks Adam about what insight he has on the current state of Colin Kaepernick’s dispute with the NFL as well as the police case that inspired his protest. They then turn to the phones and speak to a caller who has an idea for a movie that sparks their interest as well as a caller from Oregon who wants specific ideas on how to locally improve the homeless situation in his community. They also speak with a caller who wants to spread around some compliments and get some thoughts on possibly taking a job overseas. As the show wraps up the guys discuss their thoughts on last week’s Oscars telecast.

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#1102: TomatNOOO!

June 24, 2019

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing a recent illness that struck Adam and the two try to examine the differences in symptoms between food poisoning and a viral situation like a flu. After Drew runs down the various treatments for some of the most common ailments that a listener may suffer from, the guys turn to the phones and speak to a variety of callers including one worried about stopping drinking and another who wants to thank the guys for all their help over the years and wants to share some of his achievements that he credits to the guys.

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ButcherBox.com, promo code ADS

#1073: Barrel Full of Peasant Heads

May 12, 2019

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing the weird mood that Drew feels like he’s been in lately and Adam gives his thoughts on why that is a somewhat perpetual issue in today’s world. They also discuss some of the delusional thinking that has become more and more prevalent in the Trump era and the spreading belief that Trump may not leave office in the event that he lost the election. Drew also speaks passionately about the negligence that he’s seeing out of our elected officials and his earnest desire to see a law enacted to force them to be held accountable for their actions. As the show wraps up, Adam & Drew discuss how the different sexes have different approaches to reality.

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BlindsGalore.com, tell them I sent you
LifeLock.com, promo code ADAM

#1048: You Have To Love My Doggg

April 7, 2019

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing a recent incident where a lawmaker was made to feel uncomfortable by Joe Biden but used questionable verbiage in explaining what happened. They then turn to the phones and speak to a caller who has an employee that is using a fentanyl pump that he’s curious about. The conversation then turns to a conversation that Adam had with someone about their experiences on a dating app and how the political landscape reveals itself even in that realm. As the show wraps up the speak with a caller who has called in before but recently had a back surgery.

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Search “Blue Emu” on Amazon, promo code 3DREW
Lifelock.com, promo code ADAM