Tag Archives: Kari Lake

#1644 Wait A Minute!

November 6, 2022

With Adam still traveling back from Las Vegas Mark Geragos joins Dr. Drew and the guys discuss the fact that it’s election eve as they discuss Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake and their overwhelming positive feeling they have for how she comports herself even though they aren’t necessarily fond of her policies. Mark also tells Drew about a chance meeting he had nearly a decade ago with Steve Bannon and marvels at the predictions he made then that Mark is now watching come true.

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#1641 The Debate Debate Is Over

October 30, 2022

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing some of the new stuff coming out of the media in regards to Covid as it pertains to our children’s education. They also harken back to the night that the decision was made to close schools in Los Angeles as they watch Drew interview a member of the LA School Board and discover a shocking revelation that he had forgotten all about. They also discuss the gubernatorial race in Arizona and check out some bizarre video where Kari Lake’s opponent is refusing to debate her on ABC News and can’t really come up with a reasonable answer why.

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