Tag Archives: match game

BEST OF: #843 Theo Von

October 15, 2023

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show with Adam asking Dr. Drew about the alternatives to ambien to try to help him sleep on an upcoming redeye flight to New York where he will be doing the Match Game the following day. They then turn to the phones and speak to a caller whose mother died from an opioid addiction and wondering if he can take his prescribed pain meds after a surgery. The guys then welcome in friend of the show Theo Von who helps them talk to a few more listeners and brings in a question from his own podcast, ‘This Past Weekend’.

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#1099: Let’s Assign a Number to Circumcision

June 19, 2019

Adam and Dr. Drew open the show continuing a conversation from a past show about how things get lodged in our psyches at a very young age. After also doing a deep dive on the life and times of Jack Cassidy they turn to the phones and speak to a caller who advocates for an unusual cause and wants the guys thoughts.

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