April 6, 2023

#1703 Wethead is Dead
Adam and Drew get into Phil Silvers’ appearance on ‘The Love Boat’ before checking out some classic commercials from Gillette and Maxwell House. Next, Adam shows Drew a clip of Sunny Hostin on ‘The View’.
April 6, 2023
Adam and Drew get into Phil Silvers’ appearance on ‘The Love Boat’ before checking out some classic commercials from Gillette and Maxwell House. Next, Adam shows Drew a clip of Sunny Hostin on ‘The View’.
June 27, 2021
Adam and Drew open the show discussing Drew’s obsession with the show ’90 Fiance’ and how the obsession has negatively impacted Adam. From there they analyze a clip from The View featuring a very disengaged Whoopi Goldberg and take a listener call about John Mayer’s appearance on Loveline in the early 2000s. As the show wraps up they speak with a caller about the specifics for his situation on which Covid vaccine is best.
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June 1, 2020
Adam and Drew open the show paying off a tease from yesterday as they review the game film of Joy Behar on The View yelling at Representative Mike Kelly over his choice to take hydroxychloroquine to treat his illness. They then turn to the phones and speak to a caller in Georgia about personal accountability and his experiences with the recently opened state in which he lives. They then discuss how social media has played a large role in whose opinions have been given weight in the midst of the pandemic. As the show wraps up they speak to a caller who has thoughts on a potential solution to the Covid situation.
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May 21, 2020
Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing the mayoral history of Los Angeles with an eye towards the current situation and concern for the future. They then turn to a recent clip from The View who had salon owner Shelly Luther on as a guest to discuss her controversial decision to open her business in the face of orders to remain closed. As the show wraps up Adam harkens back to the tweet Adam recently saw from Susan Collins and how it reaffirmed his growing thoughts about reasonable thinking and which political party it tends to come from.
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